IoT PaaS 演示
We recommend to use ThingsBoard Live Demo for the seamless experience and the newest features from the latest source code! Save time on the installation and configuration with several pre-provisioned devices, dashboards available in the cloud and pre-integrated email server to create new customer accounts and users.
我们推荐使用ThingsBoard在线演示来无缝体验源代码的最新特性! 使用几个在云中可用的,预先置备的设备、仪表盘,以及预集成的电子邮件服务器创建新的账户和用户,这样可以在安装和配置上节省时间。
ThingsBoard is designed to run and utilize on majority of hardware, from local Raspberry PI to powerful servers in the cloud. Ways to set up a ThingsBoard cluster include:
ThingBoard的设计宗旨是能在大多数硬件上运行和使用。也就是说不仅可以在本地Raspberry PI运行,也可以在云中强大服务器中运行。以下为设置ThingsBoard集群的方式:
- Windows - install Thingboard cluster on any pre-existing machines running Windows.
- Linux (Ubuntu & CentOS) - install Thingboard cluster on any pre-existing machines running Linux.
- Raspberry Pi 3 Model B (Raspbian Jessie) - install Cassandra and Thingboard server on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B.
- Docker (Linux or Mac OS) - install a single-node ThingsBoard cluster on your Linux or Mac OS machine for development and testing.
- Docker (Windows) - install a single-node ThingsBoard cluster on your Windows machine for development and testing.
- AWC EC2 installation using AMIs - install a single-node ThingsBoard cluster using public AWS AMI.
ThingBoard的设计宗旨是能在大多数硬件上运行和使用。也就是说不仅可以在本地Raspberry PI运行,也可以在云中强大服务器中运行。以下为设置ThingsBoard集群的方式:
- Windows - 在运行Windows的任何已存在的机器上安装Thingboard集群。
- Linux (Ubuntu & CentOS) - 在运行Linux的任何已存在的机器上安装Thingboard集群。
- Raspberry Pi 3 Model B (Raspbian Jessie) - 在Raspberry Pi 3 Model B上安装Cassandra and Thingboard服务器。
- Docker (Linux or Mac OS) - 在Linux或Mac OS机器上安装一个单节点ThingsBoard集群,用于开发和测试。
- Docker(Windows) - 在Windows机器上安装一个单节点ThingsBoard集群,用于开发和测试。
- AWC EC2 installation using AMIs - 使用公共AWS AMI安装一个单节点的ThingsBoard集群。
NOTE If this is your first experience with the platform, you may want to use our Live Demo to save some time on the installation. See live demo documentation page for more details.