
ThingsBoard allows you to configure customizable IoT dashboards. Each IoT Dashboard may contain multiple dashboard widgets that visualize data from multiple IoT devices. Once IoT Dashboard is created, you may assign it to one of the customers of you IoT project.


IoT Dashboards are light-weight and you may have millions of dashboards. For example, you may automatically create a dashboard for each new customer based on data from registered customer IoT devices. Or you may modify dashboard via script when a new device is assigned to a customer. All these actions may be done manually or automated via REST API.

IoT仪表盘是非常轻量级的,所以你可以创建上百万个仪表盘。例如,你可以根据注册客户IoT设备的数据自动为每一个新客户创建一个仪表盘。或者,当一个新设备被分配给客户时,您可以通过脚本修改仪表盘。这些操作都可以手动完成,也可以通过REST API自动完成。

You can find useful links to get started below:

  • Getting started guide - will cover basic steps to create a dashboard.
  • IoT Dashboards - contains tutorials about basic IoT dashboard operations.
  • Samples - contains several examples that include both client-side applications and corresponding data visualization.
  • Widget Library - contains an overview of dashboard widget bundles:
    1. Digital and analog gauges for latest real-time values visualization
    2. Highly customizable Bar and Line charts for visualization of historical and sliding-window data points
    3. Map widgets for tracking movement and latest positions of IoT devices on Google or OpenStreet maps.
    4. GPIO control widgets that allow sending GPIO toggle commands to devices.
    5. Card widgets to enhance your dashboards with flexible HTML labels based on static content or latest telemetry values from IoT devices.
  • 小部件库 - 包含仪表盘小部件包

  • 数字模拟仪表:最新实时数据可视化。

  • 高度可定制的条形图和折线图:历史和滑动窗口数据点可视化。
  • 地图小部件:可在Google or OpenStreet地图上追踪实体移动,或者定位实体当前位置。
  • GPIO控制小部件:向设备发送GPIO切换需求。
  • 卡片小部件:使用静态内容灵活的HTML标签或来自IoT设备的最新遥测值来加强仪表盘。

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