
ThingsBoard provides the ability to assign custom attributes to your entities and manage these attributes. Attributes are treated key-value pairs. Flexibility and simplicity of the key-value format allow easy and seamless integration with almost any IoT device on the market.



Attributes are separated into three main groups:


  • server-side - attributes are reported and managed by the server-side application. Not visible to the device application. Some secret data that may be used by thingsboard rules but should not be available to the device. Any ThingsBoard entity supports server-side attributes: Device, Asset, Customer, Tenant, Rules, etc.
  • 服务端 - 属性由服务端应用报告和管理。属性对设备应用不可见。一些加密数据可用于ThingsBoard规则但是不可用于设备。所有的ThingsBoard实体都包含如下服务端属性:设备、资产、客户、租户以及规则等。

  • client-side - see device specific attributes
  • 客户端 - 查看特定设备属性。
  • shared - see device specific attributes
  • 共享 - 查看特定设备属性。


All attributes may be used in Rule Engine components: filters, processors, and actions. This guide provides the overview of the features listed above and some useful links to get more details.


Device specific attributes are separated into two main groups:


  • client-side - attributes are reported and managed by the device application. For example current software/firmware version, hardware specification, etc.
  • 客户端 - 属性由设备应用报告和管理。例如当前软件/固件版本、硬件规格等。

  • shared - attributes are reported and managed by the server-side application. Visible to the device application. For example customer subscription plan, target software/firmware version.
  • 共享 - 属性由服务端应用报告和管理。对设备应用可见。例如客户订阅计划、目标软件/固件版本。

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