ThingsBoard support Multitenancy out-of-the-box. You can treat ThingsBoard tenant as a separate business-entity: individual or organization who owns or produce devices.
System administrator is able to create tenant entities.
System administrator is also able to create multiple users with Tenant Administrator role for each tenant by pressing “Manage Tenant Admins” button in Tenant details.
系统管理员可以点击Tenant details模块内“Manage Tenant Admins”按钮为每一个租户创建多个有租户管理员角色的用户。
Tenant Administrator is able to do following actions:
- Provision and Manage Devices.
- Create and Manage Customers.
- Create and Manage Dashboards.
- Configure Rules and Plugins
- Add or modify default widgets using Widget Library.
- 置备并管理设备。
- 创建并管理客户。
- 创建并管理仪表盘。
- 配置规则和插件。
- 添加过修改默认小部件。
All actions listed above are available using REST API