
TimescaleDB is an open-source time-series database optimized for fast ingest and complex queries. It speaks "full SQL" and is correspondingly easy to use like a traditional relational database, yet scales in ways previously reserved for NoSQL databases.


Compared to the trade-offs demanded by these two alternatives (relational vs. NoSQL), TimescaleDB offers the best of both worlds ​for time-series data:​


使用简单 ​

  • Full SQL interface​ for all SQL natively supported by PostgreSQL (including secondary indexes, non-time based aggregates, sub-queries, JOINs, window functions).
  • Connects​ to any client or tool that speaks PostgreSQL, no changes needed.
  • Time-oriented​ features, API functions, and optimizations.
  • Robust support for ​Data retention policies​.
  • 为所有PostgreSQL原生支持的SQL提供完整的SQL接口。
  • 可以直接连接到使用PostgreSQL的客户端或工具。
  • 面向时间的​功能,API函数,以及优化。
  • 强烈支持数据保留规则。


  • Transparent time/space partitioning​ for both scaling up (single node) and scaling out (forthcoming).
  • High data write rates​ (including batched commits, in-memory indexes, transactional support, support for data backfill).
  • ​Right-sized chunks​ (two-dimensional data partitions) on single nodes to ensure fast ingest even at large data sizes.
  • Parallelized operations​ across chunks and servers.
  • 透明的时间/空间分割--向上(单个节点)扩展和水平扩展。
  • 高效数据写入(包括批量提交,内存索引、事务支持,支持数据回填)。
  • 单个节点上尺寸合适的区块(二维数据分区)确保大量数据快速摄取。
  • 跨区操作和服务器操作同时进行。


  • ​Engineered up​ from PostgreSQL, packaged as an extension.
  • Proven foundations​ benefiting from 20+ years of PostgreSQL research (including streaming replication, backups).
  • Flexible management options​ (compatible with existing PostgreSQL ecosystem and tooling).
  • 基于PostgreSQL打造的时序数据库可以看做PostgreSQL的扩展。
  • 经过验证的基础-受益于20多年PostgreSQL研究(包括数据复制,备份)。
  • 灵活的管理设置(兼容现有的PostgreSQL生态系统和工具)。

The rest of this section describes the design and motivation around the TimescaleDB architecture, including why time-series data is different, and how we leverage its characteristics when building TimescaleDB.


​Next:​ In part to understand TimescaleDB's design choices, let us ask: ​What is time-series data?​

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