Docker Hub


Starting a TimescaleDB instance, pulling our Docker image from ​Docker Hub​ if needed.

如果需要的话,开始TimescaleDB实例时可以从Docker Hub拉取Docker image(镜像)。

docker run -d --name timescaledb -p 5432:5432 timescale/timescaledb

If you have PostgreSQL client tools (e.g., ​psql​) installed locally, you can use those to access the Timescale docker instance. Otherwise, and probably simpler given default PostgreSQL access-control settings, you can connect using the instance's version of ​psql​ within the container (NOTE: for Windows this is ​necessary​):

如果本地安装了PostgreSQL客户端工具(例如:psql),可以使用这些工具访问 Timescale Docker实例。否则,可以使用container(容器)内​psql​实例的版本连接更为简单的PostgreSQL数据库的默认访问控制设置。

docker exec -it timescaledb psql -U postgres


Our Docker image is derived from the ​official Postgres image​ and includes ​alpine Linux​ as its OS.

我们的Docker镜像来源于官方Postgres镜像,操作系统为alpine Linux

While the above ​run​ command will pull the Docker image on demand, you can also explicitly pull our image from ​Docker Hub​

可以通过上述命令拉取需要的Docker镜像,也可以直接从Docker Hub上直接拉取镜像。

docker pull timescale/timescaledb:latest

When running a Docker image, if one prefers to store the data in a host directory or wants to run the docker image on top of an existing data directory, then you can also specify a directory where a data volume should be stored/mounted via the ​-v​ flag. In particular, the above ​docker run​ command should now include some additional argument such as ​-v /your/data/dir:/var/lib/postgresql/data​.

如果你想在现有数据目录中运行Docker镜像,或者想在运行镜像时将数据存储在主目录,那么你可以指定一个需要通过-vflag存储/挂载数据列的目录。上述​docker run​命令现在应该包括一些额外的参数,如​-/your/data/dir:/var/lib/postgresql/data​.

This command is also included as ​​ in the ​scripts/​ of our github repo, which saves the data to ​$PWD/data​ and also includes additional ​-c​ flags we recommend for memory settings, etc.


Note that creating a new container (​docker run​) will also create a new volume unless an existing data volume is reused by reference via the -v parameter (e.g., ​-v VOLUME_ID:/var/lib/postgresql/data​). Existing containers can be stopped (​docker stop​) and started again (​docker start​) while retaining their volumes and data. Even if a docker container is deleted (​docker rm​) its data volume persists on disk until explicitly removed. Use ​docker volume ls​ to list the existing docker volumes. (​More information on data volumes​)

请注意,除非通过-v参数(e.g., ​-v VOLUME_ID:/var/lib/postgresql/data​)复用现有的数据列,要不然每创建一个新的容器(docker run)都会创建一个新的列。保存现有容器的列和数据时,可以停止(docker stop)和启动(docker start)容器。删除(​docker rm​)容器后,如果没有移除容器中的数据列,数据列将保留在disk中。使用dokcer volumn ls将现有docker columns 编列成表。

Prebuilt with PostGIS

We have also published a Docker image that comes prebuilt with PostGIS. This image is published under the name ​timescale/timescaledb-postgis​ rather than ​timescale/timescaledb​. To download and run this image, follow the same instructions as above, but use this image name instead.


Then just add the extension from the ​psql​ command line:



For more instructions on using PostGIS, ​see our tutorial​.


​Next we will ​setup the database​, either with an empty hypertable, or by migrating data from another source​



For a list of currently known limitations, please see our Github page:


  • ​Github issues​

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