Migrate from PostgreSQL

Depending on where your data is currently stored, the steps to migrate it to TimescaleDB are slightly different.


  • ​Same database​: If you want to setup TimescaleDB in the same database in the same PostgreSQL instance as your stored data, ​follow these instructions​.
  • Different database​: If you want to migrate data from a different database or a different PostgreSQL instance altogether, ​follow these instructions​.
  • 同一个数据库:如果在当前存储数据的PostgreSQL实例或数据库中创建TimescaleDB,参见数据库内迁移章节。
  • 不同数据库:如果想将所有数据全部移动到不同的数据库或不同的PostgreSQL实例中,参见不同数据库迁移章节。

We assume that the new database has already been ​setup​ with the timescale extension.


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