
TimescaleDB utilizes a "wide-table" data model, which is quite common in the world of relational databases. This makes Timescale somewhat different than most other time-series databases, which typically use a "narrow-table" model.


Here we discuss why we chose the wide-table model, and how we recommend using it for time-series data, using an Internet of Things (IoT) example.


Imagine a distributed group of 1,000 IoT devices designed to collect environmental data at various intervals. This data could include:


  • ​Identifiers:​ ​device_id​, ​timestamp​
  • ​Metadata:​ ​location_id​, ​dev_type​, ​firmware_version​, ​customer_id​
  • ​Device metrics:​ ​cpu_1m_avg​, ​free_mem​, ​used_mem​, ​net_rssi​, ​net_loss​, ​battery​
  • Sensor metrics:​ ​temperature​, ​humidity​, ​pressure​, ​CO​, ​NO2​, ​PM10​
  • 标识符:device_id​, timestamp(时间戳)
  • 元数据:location_id​, ​dev_type​, ​firmware_version​, ​customer_id​
  • 设备度量:温度,湿度,压力, ​CO​, ​NO2​, ​PM10​

For example, your incoming data may look like this:


timestamp device_id cpu_1m_avg free_mem temperature location_id dev_type
2017-01-01 01:02:00 abc123 80 500MB 72 335 field
2017-01-01 01:02:23 def456 90 400MB 64 335 roof
2017-01-01 01:02:30 ghi789 120 0MB 56 77 roof
2017-01-01 01:03:12 abc123 80 500MB 72 335 field
2017-01-01 01:03:35 def456 95 350MB 64 335 roof
2017-01-01 01:03:42 ghi789 100 100MB 56 77 roof

Now, let's look at various ways to model this data.



Most time-series databases would represent this data in the following way:

  • Represent each metric as a separate entity (e.g., represent ​cpu_1m_avg​ and ​free_mem​ as two different things)
  • Store a sequence of "time", "value" pairs for that metric
  • Represent the metadata values as a "tag-set" associated with that metric/tag-set combination


  • 将每个度量当做单独的实体分开展示。
  • 使用“时间”序列和“值”对的方式储存度量值。
  • 将元数据值表示为与度量/标注集组合相关联的“标注集”。

In this model, each metric/tag-set combination is considered an individual "time series" containing a sequence of time/value pairs.


Using our example above, this approach would result in 9 different "time series", each of which is defined by a unique set of tags.


1. {name:  cpu_1m_avg,  device_id: abc123,  location_id: 335,  dev_type: field}
2. {name:  cpu_1m_avg,  device_id: def456,  location_id: 335,  dev_type: roof}
3. {name:  cpu_1m_avg,  device_id: ghi789,  location_id:  77,  dev_type: roof}
4. {name:    free_mem,  device_id: abc123,  location_id: 335,  dev_type: field}
5. {name:    free_mem,  device_id: def456,  location_id: 335,  dev_type: roof}
6. {name:    free_mem,  device_id: ghi789,  location_id:  77,  dev_type: roof}
7. {name: temperature,  device_id: abc123,  location_id: 335,  dev_type: field}
8. {name: temperature,  device_id: def456,  location_id: 335,  dev_type: roof}
9. {name: temperature,  device_id: ghi789,  location_id:  77,  dev_type: roof}

The number of such time series scales with the cross-product of the cardinality of each tag, i.e., (# names) x (# device ids) x (# location ids) x (device types).

And each of these "time series" then has its own set of time/value sequences.


Now, this approach may make sense if you collect each of your metrics independently, with little to no metadata.


But in general, we believe that this approach is limiting. It loses the inherent structure in the data, making it harder to ask a variety of useful questions. For example:

  • What was the state of the system when ​free_mem​ went to 0?
  • How does ​cpu_1m_avg​ correlate with ​free_mem​?
  • What is the average ​temperature​ by ​location_id​?


  • free_men变为0时,系统状态是什么?
  • 怎样收集与free_men相关的​cpu_1m_avg
  • 每个location_id的平均温度是多少?

We also find this approach cognitively confusing. Are we really collecting 9 different time-series, or just one collection of data with a variety of metadata and metrics readings?



In contrast, TimescaleDB uses a wide-table model, which reflects the inherent structure in the data.


Our wide-table model actually looks exactly the same as the initial data stream:


timestamp device_id cpu_1m_avg free_mem temperature location_id dev_type
2017-01-01 01:02:00 abc123 80 500MB 72 42 field
2017-01-01 01:02:23 def456 90 400MB 64 42 roof
2017-01-01 01:02:30 ghi789 120 0MB 56 77 roof
2017-01-01 01:03:12 abc123 80 500MB 72 42 field
2017-01-01 01:03:35 def456 95 350MB 64 42 roof
2017-01-01 01:03:42 ghi789 100 100MB 56 77 roof

Here, each row is a new reading, with a set of measurements and metadata at a given time. This allows us to preserve relationships within the data, and ask more interesting or exploratory questions than before.


Of course, this is not a new format: it's what one would commonly find within a relational database. Which is also why we find this format more intuitive.



TimescaleDB's data model also has another similarity with relational databases: it supports JOINs. Specifically, one can store additional metadata in a secondary table, and then utilize that data at query time.


In our example, one could have a separate locations table, mapping ​location_id​ to additional metadata for that location. For example:


location_id name latitude longitude zip_code region
42 Grand Central Terminal 40.7527° N 73.9772° W 10017 NYC
77 Lobby 7 42.3593° N 71.0935° W 02139 Massachusetts

Then at query time, by joining our two tables, one could ask questions like: what is the average ​free_mem​ of our devices in ​zip_code​ 10017?

Without joins, one would need to denormalize their data and store all metadata with each measurement row. This creates data bloat, and makes data management more difficult.


With joins, one can store metadata independently, and update mappings more easily.


For example, if we wanted to update our "region" for ​location_id​ 77 (e.g., from "Massachusetts" to "Boston"), we can make this change without having to go back and overwrite historical data.


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