TimescaleDB supports UPSERTs in the same manner as PostgreSQL via the optional ​ON CONFLICT​ clause (​PostgreSQL docs​). If such a clause is provided, rather than cause an error, an inserted row that conflicts with another can either (a) do nothing or (b) result in a subsequent update of that existing row.

TimescaleDB和PostgreSQL一样可以通过ON CONFLICT​语句支持UPSERTs。使用该语句时,如果不报错,新插入的与数据库中冲突的数据行或者不做操作,或者更新现有的数据行。

In order to create a conflict, an insert must be performed on identical value(s) in column(s) covered by a unique index. Such an index is created automatically when marking column(s) as PRIMARY KEY or with a UNIQUE constraint.


Following the examples given above, an INSERT with an identical timestamp and location as an existing row will succeed and create an additional row in the database.


If, however, the ​conditions​ table had been created with a UNIQUE constraint defined on one or more of the columns (either at table creation time or via an ALTER command):


CREATE TABLE conditions (
    time        TIMESTAMPTZ       NOT NULL,
    location    TEXT              NOT NULL,
    temperature DOUBLE PRECISION  NULL,
    humidity    DOUBLE PRECISION  NULL,
    UNIQUE (time, location)

then the second attempt to insert to this same time will normally return an error.


Now, however, the INSERT command can specify that nothing be done on a conflict. This is particularly important when writing many rows as one batch, as otherwise the entire transaction will fail (as opposed to just skipping the row that conflicts).


INSERT INTO conditions
  VALUES ('2017-07-28 11:42:42.846621+00', 'office', 70.1, 50.0)

Alternatively, one can specify how to update the existing data:


INSERT INTO conditions
  VALUES ('2017-07-28 11:42:42.846621+00', 'office', 70.2, 50.1)
  ON CONFLICT (time, location) DO UPDATE
    SET temperature = excluded.temperature,
        humidity = excluded.humidity;

WARNING:Unique constraints must include all partitioning keys as their prefix. This above example works if either time, or time and location, are used to partition the hypertable (i.e., are the arguments to ​create_hypertable​). If the schema had an additional column like ​device​ which was alternatively used for space partitioning, then the constraint would have to be ​UNIQUE(time, device)​ or ​UNIQUE(time, device, location)​.


WARNING:TimescaleDB does not yet support ​ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT​ functionality, so conflicts must currently occur over a unique index. This limitation will be removed in a future version. For now, the suggested approach is either to explicitly define a unique index or specify that one column is UNIQUE.

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